iPhone Photography for Beginners: How to Create News Feed Ready Photos - FirmFlex

iPhone Photography for Beginners: How to Create News Feed Ready Photos

Tags: Facebook | Instagram | Social Media

There is no doubt that some of the best performing modes of visual content on social media include photography. With the cinematic advancements in iPhone technology, Apple makes it so any camera user has the potential to enhance their seemingly average photos into eye-catching and aesthetic looking content. That includes you!

In the DIY program, FirmFlex provides between three to five photos for you to use to post to your firm or brand page. These photos are great to use as you may have found. However, there is an element to social media that is completely personal to you. In these instances, stock photos do not always work. This is your opportunity to use your photos.

You may have a generic photo in your phone of your lunch, or a day the beach, but with the Apple editing feature in Photos, you can make that photo pop.

Watch how I turn a regular day in the office into a moody, trendy, fun photoshoot. You can edit photos new and old. Give it a try and let me know how the filters, cropping, and other iPhone editing settings work for you.

Go to Photos > Edit > and begin!